IPF Round Table Discussion on the book, The Majoritarian Myth
IPF Round Table Discussion on the book, The Majoritarian Myth
IPF Webinar on "Western Media Narratives on India"
DMK's Assault on Sanatan Dharma
Webinar on "Success at What Cost: Students, Stress and Suicides"
Webinar on Uniform Civil Code
'लोक सेवाओं में भ्रष्टाचार पर नियंत्रण' विषय पर वेबिनार
IPF Webinar on "Save Culture, Save Nation"
IPF Webinar on "Global Minority Report"
Webinar on "Climate Crisis and Indian Solutions"
Webinar on Brand Bharat
Webinar on Skill India: The Future Roadmap
Speech by Dr JK Bajaj on his book 'Making of a Hindu Patriot: Background of Hind Swaraj
Speech by Shri Vijay Mahajan in the Webinar on Microfinance and Informal Financing in India
Speech by Prof. R Vaidyanathan in the webinar on Role of Microfinance and Informal Financing in India
Speech by Shri Rana Banerjee in the Round Table Discussion on Future of Pakistan
Speeech by Shri RSN Singh in the Round Table Discussion on Future of Pakistan
Speech by Shri Pushpendra Kulshrestha in the Round Table Discussion on Future of Pakistan
Speech by Shri Mukul Kanitkar in the Round Table Discussion on National Education Policy
Speech by Shri Kiren Rijiju in the seminar on Democracy, Violence and the State
Speech by Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi in the seminar on Democracy, Violence and the State
Speech by Prof. Anirudh Deshpande in the Brainstorming Session on Think Tanks in India
Speech by Shri Rajnath Singh in the seminar on Minorities in Pakistan
Speech by Shri Dattatreya Hosabale in the discussion on Intellectuals in Contemporary Society
Speech by Shri Ashutosh in the discussion on Intellectuals in Contemporary Society